viernes, 25 de octubre de 2019

What the hell is C3LT4.TR4D?

This project with the strange name of C3LT4.TR4D? emerged, experimentally, as a thematic page on Facebook just over a week ago. After 7 days compulsively sharing video clips, announcing concerts and the launching of new recordings, now, this beast takes her first steps outside the Zuckerberg' Nursery.

What are the objectives of this project? Know, promote and enjoy the work that is being developed in Celtic Music today.

Who is responsible for making the musical selection? I make that selection and I'm not a musician (I don't have that talent) nor I'm a music critic. Here, to make that selection, I will try to put aside my personal tastes and try to follow objective criteria.

What are these objective criteria? The main criterion is the chronological one, here only music created in the last 5 years will be shared. I am looking for the music of the youngest bands and the new works of older bands. The second criterion is Celtic Music, I know that many musicians feel uncomfortable under that commercial label but, to me, it makes my job easier and gives me some freedom because under that label fits almost everything (trad, folk, po, rock, punk... can be Celtic Music). If we add this criterion to the chronological we obtain Contemporary Celtic Music, that's C3LT4.TR4D?

Do you need help to do this job? Yes, I will need a lot. Any help, advice or sponsorship will be welcome. If your band has published a record, I want to share it here. If you have released a demo, I want to hear it. Your gigs? Yes, we'll announce them.

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