jueves, 31 de octubre de 2019

C3LT4.TR4D?_2019_Oct16 Playlist

Our second video-playlist is ready, a selection of six clips with a lot of female prominence. We hope you like it:

The Old Woman's Dance/The Skylark's Ascension a set of tunes by Brìghde Chaimbeul from her debut album The Reeling (2019).
What Makes You by Elephant Sessions, from their last album What Makes You (2019).
Mazurca do Cachoupiño, an unrealeased tune by the Galician band Tor.
Trip to Ireland, a set of jigs by Steph Geremia extracted from her 2018 album Up She Flew.
Parmogeddon, an unreleased tune by Monster Ceilidh Band.
Felton Lonnin is the last clip of this playlist, a beautiful  Northumbrian  lullaby performed by Kathryn Tickell Band in 2015.

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